Deadlock is Valorant’s 22nd agent.

Deadlock’s Skills

GravNet (C)
Equip a GravNet Grenade. Pull to throw it. Use Secondary Fire to throw it from below. The GravNet explodes upon landing, forcing all enemies within its range to crouch and move in slow motion.

Ultrasound radar (A)
Equip Ultrasonic Radar. Pull to deploy it. Radar detects all sounds generated by enemies in an area. It inflicts disorientation in that area whenever it spots footsteps, gunshots, or any other noticeable sound.

Barrier Disk (E)
Equip the Barrier Disc. Pull to throw it forward. On landing, the disc deploys a barrier from the point of origin blocking the advance of the agents.

Annihilation (X)
Equip the Nanocable Accelerator. Shoot to send a salvo of nanocables that will capture the first enemy hit. The swaddled enemy will be drawn into a straight line, at the end of which he will die, unless freed. The nanocable cocoon is destructible.

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