Death of Emile: why will investigators not be able to date the death of the young boy? : Current Woman Le MAG

A turning point took place in the investigation into the disappearance of Emile on Saturday March 30, 2024. That day, a skull and teeth were discovered by a walker, just a kilometer from where the little boy was last seen alive. For the record, Emile had escaped the vigilance of his grandparents in the hamlet of Haut-Vernet on Saturday July 8, 2023. In charge of this case, the Aix-en-Provence public prosecutor’s office formalized the death of Emile on Sunday July 31, 2024. “The investigators took possession of the bones immediately transported to the IRCGN in order to carry out genetic identification analyzes which made it possible to conclude on March 31 thatthese were the bones of the child Émile Soleilit was indicated in a press release relayed in particular by Le Figaro. Following this macabre discovery, the authorities “frozen” the area in which Emile’s bones were found, in order to carry out “in-depth research”.

Death of Emile: a forensic doctor believes that it is “too late” to date the child’s death

Investigators must now determine how the victim died. Unfortunately, they will not be able to accurately date the moment when little Emile lost his life. In any case, this is what the Verdun forensic doctor, Bruno Frémont, says in an interview with Parisian Monday April 1, 2024. “It’s too late! To date the death, we examine the color of the skin, the appearance of the eyes, the flexibility of the body… These details, put together, allow us to ‘approximate’ the death. it has just taken place, we can estimate it to be within two hours, maximum. But the more the days go by, the harder it is to know, did he declare. In this case, almost nine months passed between Emile’s disappearance and the discovery of his bones. Asked about the possibility that the little boy’s body had been moved, Bruno Frémont validated this hypothesis. “It’s possible. All hypotheses must be considered. When the body has been there for nine months, the skeleton freezes in the earth and leaves its mark. If it has been moved, we will see that this is not the case and that it was placed on the ground, a sign of the intervention of a third party”he stressed.

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