Death of Gaspard Ulliel: why did the actor not come to collect his César?

Gaspard Ulliel, who shone in Just the end of the world by Xavier Dolan, won his second César in 2017, in the Best Actor category. However, the actor had not been able to come and collect his statuette at the time…

The world of the seventh art is in a state of shock after the sudden death of Gaspard Ulliel, who died on January 19 following a violent skiing accident. The actor, who was only 37 years old, leaves behind his companion Gaëlle Piétri, but also his only son, a little Orso, the happiness of his life. Very busy in his professional life, Gaspard Ulliel had made the choice to sometimes move away from film sets, to take full advantage of his child, as he had explained in the columns of Madame Figaro. “It’s a huge upheaval. What was extremely important yesterday seems trivial today. Fatherhood brings you back to something very concrete, fills a void you weren’t necessarily aware of, gives you a reason to live. I decided to brake. Today, I have to feel the need to shoot a film“, he had declared.

If he had missed out on the César for his role as Yves Saint Laurent, the academy having preferred Pierre Niney, Gaspard Ulliel was able to walk away with the precious statuette twice during his career. In 2005, he received his first César for the film A long engagement Sunday, by Jean-Pierre Jeunet. “I would really like to thank Jean-Pierre who trusted me by offering me this role. This is how I had a unique experience and I think I will keep very good memories of it.“, he had then affirmed, in front of the public in admiration in front of this brilliant young actor of 20 years.

His words read by Xavier Dolan

Twelve years later, during the 42nd Cesar ceremony, Gaspard Ulliel leaves with the prize for Best Actor, for his role in Just the end of the world, directed by Xavier Dolan. Corn the actor had not been able to make the trip since he was retained on a shoot. It was therefore the Canadian filmmaker who went on stage in his place, to read a speech written by his actor, which he had not watched beforehand at the request of Gaspard Ulliel. “Gaspard cannot join us, he is filming this evening (…) He asked me to read this text but strangely also to discover it at the same time as you“, he said, a bit embarrassed. “Xavier’… It’s off to a good start! ‘You discover these words, you promised me not to read them beforehand (…) Thank you, I owe you so much. Thank you for offering your actors what is out of the ordinary to tell the ordinary. The way you look at your actors has no equivalent. Avid of the slightest nuance, transforming the slightest frieze into an upheaval, you always bring your actors towards the freshness and the brilliance of the new.“, had written the actor. Strong words that now resonate differently, as everyone’s beloved comedian has definitely hit the stars.

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