Death of Guillaume Bats a year ago: his friend Jérémy Ferrari does not forget him…

Suffering from “brittle bone disease”, comedian Guillaume Bats died on June 1 at the age of 36. Revealed in Laurent Ruquier’s show We just want to laugh about it in 2011, the one who was a fan of black humor was very close to the comedian Jérémy Ferrari. The two formed a duo on stage as in life, Jérémy Ferrari being at the same time the friend, the producer and the protector of the deceased comedian. He was also the one who found the lifeless body of the disabled comedian. A traumatic event that he recounted to Mouloud Achour in Click last October 9. And a year after the death of Guillaume Bats, Jérémy Ferrari wanted to pay tribute to the one from whom he felt the “big brother”.

For this, the comedian shared on Instagram an extract from the sixth edition of Impossible duets in which Guillaume Bats played Cupid. Coming down from the ceiling in costume, he pretended to hate his role in front of a surprised Jérémy Ferrari. A beautiful souvenir for anyone who has already thought about going into politics. “When Guillaume Bats was Cupid”, captioned Jérémy Ferrari, adding a black heart emoji. In the comments, many Internet users raised the affection that existed between the two artists, while recalling that the disappearance of Guillaume Bats had affected them. “We miss him”, “A birthday that we would have liked not to have to celebrate”or “He will remain a reference for humor and self-deprecation”can we read under the publication.

Guillaume Bats and Jérémy Ferrari: this project that could not exist

Now forming a trio with Arnaud Tsamère and Baptiste Lecaplain, the one who fought alcoholism wanted to pay tribute in the tour of his new show The Trio Tour. It’s not possible not to wink in the ten years of duos, to Guillaume, [car ce] will be the only year he won’t be there”declared the comedian in C to you last December. His deceased friend should have been part of The Trio Tourinitially called The Trio and a Half Tour. “We had ideas for sketches”then added Baptiste Lecaplain. “We started writing the beginning with him”confirmed Jérémy Ferrari.

Article written in collaboration with 6Medias.


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