Death of influencer MavaChou: her fans denounce the harassment and demand justice

The lawyer of influencer MavaChou revealed to the “Vosges Matin” that he had filed a complaint for harassment and provocation to suicide on the day of his death.

On social networks, under the hashtag #JusticePourMavaChou, fans are calling for justice. Thousands of Internet users have shared their anger for several days after the death of MavaChou, a 32-year-old influencer, at the end of the week, denouncing the harassment she had suffered for months. It was her best friend who announced the death of this mother of four children, however keeping the causes of her death private. But as soon as the news broke, many recalled that the one who rose to prominence with family videos on YouTube had been the target of a hate campaign for months. An element confirmed by blogger Jeremstar, committed against cyber-harassment. “Another death from harassment”. “I have been in contact all day with his relatives and in agreement with them and out of respect for their bereavement, I will not give details of the terrible circumstances they told me. But today, I am angry and I have to talk about it to continue this fight against the harassment that I try to carry out every day, ”he wrote on Twitter on Friday.

Sunday, “Vosges Matin” reveals that a complaint had been filed for moral harassment and provocation to suicide, “the very day of the tragedy” by his lawyer, on behalf of his client and his new companion. The latter, quoted by the regional daily, explains: “I believe that this death should make everyone react. Whether it is the legislator, prosecutors, lawyers and especially Internet users. You have to stop thinking that you are invincible behind your screen ”. Friday, Jeremstar had explained that the young woman was the victim of “harassment in packs” and that she no longer supported “the permanent hatred”. “One day there will be a tragedy, it is not for lack of having alerted”, she would have entrusted to him.

“Keep from Maëva, her smile, her strength, her jokes, her beauty”

On YouTube, she posted a video last week in which she spoke to her subscribers, telling them that she had not “been in great shape for two years” and saying that she had chosen to withdraw from social networks for some time. “There are days when it will be very good and days when it will be very bad,” she commented. The young woman who had also participated in the program “We exchanged our moms” was harassed to the point that Internet users had started to spy on her at home, or to call her children’s school, reports “Le Parisien », Which recounted this story last March. The pressure on her family had taken a dramatic turn after her complicated and violent breakup with the father of her children, Adrien. According to MavaChou’s lawyer, the latter would have used his influence with Internet users to “multiply the attacks against the couple and stir up hatred”.

Romain, the young woman’s new companion, has posted several messages on Facebook. He wrote on December 24: “Denigration and harassment should have no place in this world and even less today! (I hope with all my heart that her fight will not be in vain, I will continue it for her and all those people who suffer from it) (…). Keep from Maëva, her smile, her strength, her jokes, her beauty, her madness, her way of being so different and everything that made her HER. ” This Sunday, the young man published another tribute to the one whose real first name was Maëva. “Maëva, My Heart, this will certainly be my last post for you. With this photo I would like people to keep this memory of you. This memory of a resplendent, radiant, kind, caring woman, a little crazy around the edges, strong, courageous and authentic, equal to yourself. I would also like to thank you and you knew it, for having made sure to protect me from all this… ”, it is written. He ends with a phrase that was Mavachou’s trademark: “See you soon”.

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