Death of Johnny Hallyday’s “brother” guitarist


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Robin Le Mesurier, the guitarist who was alongside Johnny Hallyday for 23 years, died this Wednesday, December 22 at the age of 68.

The music world is losing a great guitarist. Englishman Robin Le Mesurier, Johnny Hallyday’s most loyal guitarist, died of cancer, which he had been fighting for several years. His talent has sublimated the songs of Johnny, which he considers a “brother”, remember The Parisian who had met him in Las Vegas, shortly before his death.

“We found him a little tired, his face paler than usual, his voice blank. With his legendary discretion and elegance, Robin Le Mesurier was secretly fighting cancer ”, writing The Parisian in its columns.

Between 1997 and 2017, Robin Le Mesurier accompanied the favorite rocker of the French. This legendary duo had recreated a small family. Robin Le Mesurier has always underlined the osmosis that there was between him and Johnny. Last November he told the RTL microphone about the special bond he had with the singer. “In fact, our relationship lasted much longer than a lot of marriages… He’s such a special man, I’m sure he’s not far away, he touched me so much, he had become like a brother. ”

A legendary guitarist

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Robin Le Mesurier was in London in 1953 but very quickly turned to the United States, which had become his new home. This talented guitarist began his brilliant career playing alongside other music giants, such as Cat Stevens, Rod Stewart and Elton John.

With Johnny Hallyday it was love at first sight. In 1994 the two artists discovered each other during a collaboration on the English album “Rough Trade”. They will not let go until the death of Johnny Hallyday in 2017.

Johnny’s entourage pays homage to him

Robin Le Mesurier is also a great loss for those close to Johnny Hallyday who used to be around him. Laeticia Hallyday had long considered him “a member of the family”. Three weeks ago, while weakened by illness, the guitarist joined Laeticia in Las Vegas to celebrate the release of the documentary on their American tour.

David Hallyday, Johnny’s son, dedicated a personal message to him on his Instagram account. ”Robin, you have been a true devoted friend to my father and others, an incredible talent and a wonderful human being !!! Thank you for the few wonderful musical moments that we shared together … They will not be forgotten “, writes David Hallyday.

The relatives of Johnny Hallyday cultivated the love that the singer had for his guitarist. The Parisian also evokes this anecdote told by Robin Le Mesurier. “Johnny was once suggested to replace me but he replied: No, Robin, it’s my blood.”

Amina Boumazza

Freelance journalist, Amina is passionate about societal trends that she dissects with words. She has a particular focus on women’s rights and equal opportunities. When she …

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