declining user costs

The total cost of using a car (TCO) includes the negotiated price of the vehicle, financial costs, the predictable resale value of the vehicle (residual value), consumption of the model chosen, maintenance costs, taxation and social charges on benefits in kind. Taking all of these costs into account makes it possible to determine the cost per kilometer of a vehicle. Thus, in 2020, according to the annual study TCO Scope conducted by the Arval Mobility Observatory (AMO), the average total cost was € 37,520, compared to € 39,301 in 2019, i.e. a cost reduction of 4.7%. In terms of vehicle cost per kilometer (PRK), this decrease translates into an average PRK of € 0.372 / km (including tax); to be compared with those of 2018 (0.389 € / km) and 2019 (0.392 € / km).
Why this decline of 5.1% after two years of increase? Régis Masera, president of AMO, gives two reasons: “First, the drop in fuel prices observed last year, but also the weight of favorable taxation, which generates a strong mobilization of fleet purchases towards electric and hybrid models. “ A trend that should continue, says Régis Masera, “Because if the tax assistance for the purchase of electrified vehicles will fade, on the other hand on these models, a decrease in maintenance costs and tires is expected. In addition, the growing number of electric and hybrid vehicles offered by manufacturers should stir up competition and increase the amount of discounts offered ”.

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