Dengue fever: an indigenous case detected in the Var, the second of the year in mainland France

An autochthonous case of dengue has been detected in the Var, announced Friday the Regional Health Agency (ARS) of Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, which brings to two the number of cases reported in mainland France since the start of the year. An autochthonous case means that it is caused by the bite of a mosquito on the territory. The victim of this infectious disease, transmitted by the tiger mosquito in mainland France, is now cured, said the ARS in a press release.

Rare cases in mainland France

If the presence of tiger mosquitoes has been identified in 67 French departments, cases of autochthonous dengue, ie which come directly from the bite of a mosquito on the territory remain rare in mainland France. Since the beginning of the year, only one other case had been reported at the end of July in Perpignan in the eastern Pyrenees. Last year, two cases were detected, one of which was already in the Var. To these figures are added every year the cases of sick people diagnosed on their return from a trip overseas or abroad.

The Paca Regional Health Agency specifies in its press release that it has implemented field actions to prevent any spread. “A mosquito control was carried out by the Interdepartmental Agreement for Mosquito Control of the Mediterranean Coast (EID-Med) within a radius of 200 meters in the neighborhood of the place of residence of the person affected (…) as well as in the neighborhood frequented during the period of its contamination”, detailed the ARS.

Avoid the proliferation of tiger mosquitoes

“The objective is to eliminate potentially infected adult mosquitoes to prevent them from biting another person around them and to eliminate breeding sites,” she said. Hospitals, private doctors and analysis laboratories in the sectors concerned are also mobilized to take charge of and report to the ARS people who present the symptoms of being crazy (high fever, muscle, joint or eye pain, fatigue and headaches). head).

Finally, the ARS invites individuals to do everything to avoid the proliferation of mosquitoes around their homes (especially avoiding stagnant water), to protect themselves from mosquito bites and to “consult” in the event of “suggestive symptoms”, in particular “if they appear within 15 days of a trip to the tropics”.

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