Denis Brogniart reacts to Teheiura’s cheating


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After the elimination of Teheiura for cheating in the last episode of “Koh-Lanta”, Denis Brogniart explained about the shooting conditions of the show.

A temptation that costs him dearly. This Tuesday, November 9, Teheiura was eliminated from “Koh-Lanta” for having cheated. The reason ? He solicited food from fishermen passing near the Isle of the Outcast. A twist that of the TF1 adventure program did not expect.

In a live Instagram, Denis Brogniart returned to this cheat and the filming of this season event “Koh-Lanta All Stars”. “Here we are in Polynesia, we are in France, in a place where people know the program. Not only do they know, but they adulate Teheiura who is, I think, the most famous and recognized personality of French Polynesia. there are those who tried to help them, who brought food. And there, they gave in to temptation “. How did fishermen get to the show’s filming location?

No “security perimeter” on the island

On this question which is on the lips of many viewers who followed the last episode, Denis Brogniart was transparent. The star host of TF1 explained that adventurers are not “cops” on the island and that they benefit from a “Form of freedom”. “We do not put a security perimeter around the candidates or the places where the adventure is happening”, he confides, specifying that there is “Keepers” who monitor the premises but that production cannot “Prevent people from passing around the camps”.

Asked about the presence of these fishermen, Denis Brogniart gave a fairly simple and understandable explanation. “The candidates are in desert places. Simply, the sea belongs to everyone, there are boats passing by, we do not block an area”.

An adventure game “Extremely difficult”

Saddened by the eviction of Teheiura, “An exceptional adventurer”, Denis Brogniart wanted to salute his participation. “This is someone who was competing in Koh-Lanta for the fifth time and who, on a personal level, made me vibrate with his skills.” The presenter felt that his coming to the island to announce his eviction must have been “A form of relief” to put “A term at this moment of bewilderment”.

After the episode aired, Teheiura spoke on social media. If he “Don’t look for excuses”, the adventurer confides that he has started “a lot of pressure” for this “Koh-Lanta” anniversary. “One morning I saw a person. I hesitated for a long time, and then finally, torn by hunger, I couldn’t resist, the temptation was too strong. I made a gesture to her, she left some food ”, he explains. An incident which unfortunately costs him his favorite place this season. “I apologize to the people who have always supported me. I hope this won’t erase the good times together ”, he concludes.

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