dense procession in Paris, clashes and degradation on the sidelines of the demonstration

“I am here to tell Emmanuel Macron that I am opposed to all his measures”

After a vote in favor of Jean-Luc Mélenchon in the first round of the presidential election, Emma, ​​21, and Marine, 23, resigned themselves to voting for Emmanuel Macron. “But only to block Marine Le Pen”warns Emma, ​​a student in English at the Sorbonne, where she had already mobilized during the inter-rounds to protest against the results giving the outgoing president and the far-right candidate in the lead.

They are in the Parisian procession of 1er-May. “Today, I am here to tell Emmanuel Macron that, despite my vote, I am opposed to all his measures”warns Emma, ​​a redhead with big black eyes, referring in particular to her desire to reform the university. “I don’t want my children to be forced to pay thousands of euros to be able to go to higher education”the young woman is alarmed.

To follow her master’s degree in philosophy, Marine also accumulates two “odd jobs”supervisor in a high school and baby-sitter. “It’s absurd, to study, I have to sacrifice my studies by working too much on the side”comments the young woman, for whom the five-year term of Emmanuel Macron “was marked by an entry into precariousness, with a drop in many aids”. She also mentions “the trying periods of confinement for students, which Macron did not care about”.

For this 1er-Mai, she wishes to call for the responsibility of the president: “Macron has lives in his hands, each decision taken, it is daily newspapers which are upset. »

While many of their friends are now afraid to take to the streets “because of the police violence that now emerges with each demonstration”the two students are delighted to parade, this time, in “relative calm”even if the parade was peppered with clashes with the police.

Cecile Bouanchaud

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