Deported or killed?: Ukraine is missing thousands of citizens

Deported or killed?
Ukraine is missing thousands of citizens

In Bucha, Russian troops apparently shoot hundreds of civilians. Many more Ukrainians could have been killed across the country, said President Zelenskyy. There is no trace of thousands of people.

According to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Russia will not be able to escape responsibility for the actions of its troops. This is not possible due to the large number of Ukrainians who were killed in the war, Zelenskyj said in a video message published on Telegram that night. “We already know of thousands of missing people.”

There are only two possibilities for their whereabouts, emphasized Zelenskyj: They were either deported to Russia or killed.

After the international outcry over the pictures from the Kiev suburb of Bucha – where hundreds of bodies were found, some with their hands tied – Moscow changed its tactics and is now trying to get people killed off the streets and out of basements in areas occupied by Russian troops removed, Zelenskyj explained the presumed new orders from the Kremlin. With the help of investigations, witnesses and satellite images, the reasons for the disappearance of the citizens will be clarified.

Moscow is continuing to build up fighting power to realize its ambitions in Donbass in the east of the country, Zelenskyy said. Russian units were preparing to resume offensives there. Recently, there have been increasing indications of an impending major Russian offensive in the east. The government in Kyiv called on people in the Luhansk, Donetsk and Kharkiv regions to flee. Zelenskyj declared: “We will fight and not withdraw”. This is until Russia begins to seriously seek peace.

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