Deputy José Evrard died of Covid-19

Lhe deputy José Evrard died as a result of the Covid-19. Richard Ferrand, boss of the National Assembly, announced his death in a message posted on Twitter, Friday, January 7, in the evening. “I learned with emotion the disappearance of José Evrard, our colleague deputy of Pas-de-Calais (…) To his wife, his children, his relatives, as well as his colleagues and collaborators, I address my thoughts moved and united, ”wrote the president of the perchoir.

Member of Debout la France, head of the party’s list in the 2021 regional elections in Hauts-de-France, José Evrard died at the age of 76. Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, leader of the political formation, greeted, in a message posted on Twitter, the memory of a “friend and colleague” and expressed his “immense sadness”. “He embodied this land in the mining basin. A courageous, upright, kind man, faithful to his social convictions and deeply in love with France, ”the politician also shared.

José Evrard had left the Communist Party in the early 2000s to join the National Front. He left in 2017 to join the Patriotes of Florian Philippot, before joining Debout France in 2020.

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