Despite 44 goals in 45 appearances: “Incident” in Madrid: Hamann suggests selling Kane to Bayern

Despite 44 goals in 45 appearances
“Incident” in Madrid: Hamann suggests Bayern sell Kane

For the first time since the 2011/12 season, FC Bayern has not won a title. For TV expert Didi Hamann, this is also due to record transfer Harry Kane. The ex-professional even advises the Munich team to consider selling the star striker. However, he doesn’t believe that this will actually happen.

Despite Harry Kane’s outstanding goal quota, expert Didi Hamann would put FC Bayern’s 100 million euro transfer under internal scrutiny in the summer. “Bayern scored more goals last year without Kane than they have now. It also had its price. That’s a very high salary and it cost over 100 million,” said Hamann on the Sky90 program. The ex-professional footballer was also extremely bothered by Kane’s appearance in the semi-final second leg of the Champions League at Real Madrid.

The 50-year-old, who repeatedly appears as a sharp critic of the Munich team, added: “If a team had played up front, they would necessarily be in a worse position? I don’t blame him at all for saying that it’s his fault – of course not.” Mathys Tel, FC Bayern’s 19-year-old attacking hope, has nine goals and five assists in 39 appearances this season.

England striker Kane scored 36 goals and eight assists in 32 Bundesliga games this season, plus eight goals and four assists in his twelve Champions League appearances. “But how many titles have you won?” Hamann asked about the title curse of Kane, who has not yet won a major title in his career. The Munich team will remain without a trophy this season for the first time since the 2011/12 season. In the DFL Supercup there was a bitter 3-0 defeat on Kane’s debut in August, in the DFB Cup there was an early exit at third division team Saarbrücken, and Bayer Leverkusen is well ahead in the league.

Hamann has “no understanding” of Kane’s substitution in Madrid

Hamann is also critical of Kane’s performance in the crucial Champions League games. He wasn’t seen much against Arsenal and Real Madrid, said the former international, for whom the replacement of the top scorer against the new Spanish champions was a key moment: “And then he goes out after 80 minutes because his back is closing . I have to be honest: I have no understanding of that.” The superstar had already injured his back during the warm-up, but ended up in the starting line-up.

Hamann said that he had played in teams that had played in many finals and even more semi-finals in his career: “I haven’t seen a player who was in such an important game – you’re ten minutes away from the Champions League final – goes out because the back closes.” In the 1-2 draw against Real, Bayern lost a 1-0 lead in the final minutes.

But Hamann does not believe that the record champions will give up Kane in the summer. “That was the star purchase. The club would admit that it was a mistake in quotation marks – you can argue about whether it was a mistake,” said the 50-year-old. In addition, Kane is planned as a fixed point in the team, which should return to the top after the squad change that is expected this summer.

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