Despite many disturbing symptoms, she is not properly diagnosed and receives terrible news

This mother of two had to fight for about a year before getting her diagnosis. Although it was not too late for her, it was extremely difficult for her to pull through.

She finally got her diagnosis. a year after pressing. Crystal Manuel, 39, was showing disturbing symptoms when she decided to consult a general practitioner. The young woman, chief financial officer from Chandler’s Ford, in Hampshire presented abnormal vaginal bleeding. Crystal’s mother, Dolores, is died of uterine cancer when she was only 26 years old. Her mother had the same symptoms as her and as the diagnosis was made late, her uterine cancer killed her three months after diagnosis.

Heavier and more painful periods lower back painof the “shooting pains in the legs“and bleeding after intercourse… four alarming symptoms that Crystal Manuel, mother of two, presented. With all of her symptoms, Crystal performed multiple visits to the GP. “They found nothing” she said. Despite everything, her symptoms continued to appear. Crystal fought and pressed to get a diagnosisreports the Mirror in her February 12, 2023 post. About a year later, Crystal was diagnosed with cervical cancer from adenocarcinoma type.

She pulls through, but not without difficulty

Crystal said to be worried and anxious because she is a mother and she did not know how serious her illness was. The mother of the family goes through extremely trying trials before getting out of it: a radical hysterectomy, five rounds of chemotherapyfive weeks of daily radiotherapy and two weeks of brachytherapy. Crystal said that despite her positive frame of mind, she felt “depressed some days“. The mother of two children wants to sensitize women to listen to their bodies and do not hesitate to consult immediately.


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Crystal Manuel, 39, was showing disturbing symptoms when she decided to see a GP.


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The young woman, a financial director from Chandler’s Ford, in Hampshire, had abnormal vaginal bleeding.


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Crystal’s mother, Dolores, died of uterine cancer when she was just 26.


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His mother had the same symptoms as her and as the diagnosis was made late, his uterine cancer killed him three months after the diagnosis.


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Heavier and more painful periods, pain in the lower back, “shooting pains in the legs” and bleeding after intercourse… four alarming symptoms that Crystal Manuel, a mother of two children, presented.

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