Despite tensions, Edouard Philippe reaffirms his “loyalty” to Emmanuel Macron

Tensions within the majority. Traveling to Niort, in Deux-Sèvres, for the inauguration of the first local committee of“Horizons”, Edouard Philippe assured the cameras of his “great loyalty to the President of the Republic” and his “total determination”.

A displayed loyalty which does not prevent internal quarrels, even though the majority had put themselves in working order for the presidential election by gathering in the same structure entitled “Together citizens!”.

Because the roommate does not seem to be going as well as expected within this common house. At the heart of the tensions, the refusal on the part of Emmanuel Macron of a possible merger between the party of Edouard Philippe and “To act”, of the Minister of Culture Franck Riester. Officially, this would have been justified in order to avoid “political politics” in full health management.

This opposition would however be above all a way of preventing the party of the former Prime Minister from becoming too important as the investitures and legislative elections approach, according to his entourage. According to information collected by AFP, the party of the one who is still popular with the French has already rallied around thirty deputies from various labels. These new arrivals could allow “Horizons” to form its own group in the Assembly, thus reducing the influence of LaREM.

If Édouard Philippe therefore reaffirmed his loyalty to the Head of State in Niort this Saturday, these internal maneuvers would however have annoyed the mayor of Le Havre. To the point that he decided to suspend his party’s participation in the “commune house” of the majority. “We considered that preventing the merger with Agir directly contravened a clause that we had collectively set ourselves from the start: namely to be able to get closer between parties”, justified MEP Gilles Boyer.

This does not prevent the former Prime Minister from continuing to develop his party. In addition to the first local committee of“Horizons”, inaugurated in Niort, 129 others will be launched throughout France. “We need an enlarged majority and an enlarged majority for our ideas”, maintained Edouard Philippe during his trip.

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