Despite the Ukraine war: why the stock market isn’t falling into the abyss

Despite the Ukraine war
Why the stock market isn’t falling into the abyss

The Ukraine war continues to put pressure on the stock market and the economy. However, the US stock market in particular is proving to be relatively robust. Raimund Brichta and Etienne Bell discuss the reasons for this, the economic consequences of the war and how it could affect inflation and interest rates in this current episode of “Brichta and Bell – Economy simple and fast”.

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Bruchta and Bell – Economics simply and quickly

The ntv moderators Etienne Bell and Raimund Brichta talk about the economy once a week. They illuminate backgrounds and explain what is important to us. Simply informative. Every Thursday on and at AudioNow. You have questions, suggestions or criticism? Or topic suggestions? Then please send an email to [email protected].

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