Detox tea: does the drinking regimen really work?

Detox tea
That is what the drinking regimen really does

herbal tea

© Shutterstock

Flush toxins out of the body and lose weight at the same time – sounds extremely tempting! This should be possible with detox tea. But what does the drinking cure really bring?

The shelves in drugstores are filled to the brim with lots of tea, which is supposed to detoxify the body and get rid of one or the other kilo too much. Detox tea is the supposed miracle potion, which is also supposed to ensure a pure and even complexion and more well-being.

Sounds like the perfect beauty drink for everyone who is health-conscious. But how effective is detox tea actually? Does it rid us of “waste products” and does it make us healthier? GALA does away with the detox myth!

What is detox tea?

The English term detoxification, or detox for short, is nothing more than detoxification. With the help of a cure such as Master Cleanse or Detox Tea, the detoxification of the body is supposed to be promoted and so-called waste products are removed. Fans of the drink expect more energy, weight loss and improved health as a result.

In specialist shops and drugstores there are numerous types of tea that adorn themselves with the health claim “Detox”. And that has its price: Many detox teas are available from around ten to 25 euros – for just ten tea bags. So it’s no wonder that many consumers are wondering whether this is even justified.

Detox tea is really that effective

Although the belief in the existence of slag holds up well, the reality is sobering, because the fact is: there is no such thing as slag! The body itself is perfectly capable of transporting harmful substances out of the organism in a natural way. This happens every day through the liver and kidneys, as well as the intestines and lungs, explains the North Rhine-Westphalia consumer advice center and also adds:

The effectiveness of detox products has not been scientifically proven!

The fact that many manufacturers still label their products with the health promise “Detox” regularly calls on scientific testers to test the food with regard to the Health Claims Regulation evaluate. However, most of the products examined have not yet passed the test. The promised positive effect on health could not be proven, so the consumer advice center.

“Detox” – the right way!

Drink enough

Health-conscious people should save the money for overpriced detox teas and instead invest in conventional herbal teas. Because hot drinks made from freshly brewed nettle, peppermint and dandelion leaves support the functioning of the kidneys, liver & Co. and thus help to transport harmful substances out of the body – the natural and inexpensive variant of detox. By the way: When drunk unsweetened, the teas are – in addition to pure water – great thirst quenchers and are low in calories and fat!

Eat healthy

In addition to these drinks, the body also benefits from a balanced diet: It should be ensured that fresh (green) vegetables and fruits as well as whole grain products land on the plate every day. They provide complex carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and fiber and are low in calories and fat at the same time.

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This keeps you full longer and prevents annoying food cravings at the same time. The body is also supplied with all the important nutrients it needs so that the body’s own detoxification program can run smoothly. Sugar-rich ready-made products and fatty foods such as French fries, schnitzel and the like only put an unnecessary strain on the body and digestion and at the same time provide lots of calories with a low nutrient density. For the personal detox feeling you should avoid industrial sugar and finished products as much as possible – then it will also be easier to lose weight!

Move outside regularly

If you regularly exercise in the fresh air, you get plenty of oxygen, which stimulates the formation of new cells and thus ensures a radiant complexion. Going for a walk also helps relieve the stress of everyday life, which can often lead to stomach upset and digestive problems.

Detox tea: the bottom line

If you want to do something good for yourself and your body, you should use conventional herbal tea or pure water instead of detox teas. They best supply the body with fluids and support the functions of the detoxifying organs such as the liver, kidneys, lungs and the like.

Sufficient fluid intake in combination with a balanced diet, the avoidance of industrial sugar and ready-made products as well as regular exercise in the fresh air are the best “means” to permanently feel good and lose weight.

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