Joe Wicks fights back tears as boy with cancer learns to walk again by taking part in his PE classes

Joe Wicks teared up as he received an inspiring message about a 10 year old, whose family had got in touch with the fitness guru to thank him for his PE classes since the UK had begun lockdown.

Joe, 33, sat on the floor in the room where he carries out his fitness classes, which have been a huge success during lockdown, and read an emotional message he’d received.

The star, who has amassed a whopping 3.5 million followers on Instagram as a result of his cooking and fitness videos, explained that the family of a young boy named Reuben had been in touch with him. Reuben has been receiving treatment for brain cancer.

Overwhelmed by the heartwarming message, Joe Wicks can be seen tearing up

Dad-of-two Joe, who has also introduced classes for seniors, continued: “Reuben is 10 years old. He was diagnosed a year ago with brain cancer.

“He has endured two brain surgeries, radiotherapy and the most horrific three rounds of chemotherapy.

“He finished the treatment in February. It’s been tough, he lost the use of his legs, has been very weak and mostly wheelchair bound.

“But after five weeks of treatment ending, Reuben has done PE With Joe every single day.”

Joe Wicks
The 33 year old read out a sweet note which thanked him for helping a boy with cancer to “run down the stairs again” after cancer treatment

As Joe’s voice started cracking as he teared up, he continued to read the message that Reuben’s family had sent him.

He read: “Joe, 3 weeks ago Rueben couldn’t even walk up the stairs unaided. He now can run down the stairs and has much more movement going up the stairs. That’s huge for a 10-year-old who could barley walk at times.”

The family then went on to thank Joe for helping Reuben to achieve what he said, saying: “So, Joe, thank you.

“Not just for supporting everyone all over the world and doing PE everyday, thank you for helping Rueben to be able to do these everyday things that any child should be able to do.

“You’re touching people’s lives in such a positive way and, for our family, you’ve brought us so much joy.”

The message finished by saying: “This is one of those moments to acknowledge someone who’s touching lives that we don’t even know. Well done we applaud you.”

Dad-of-two, Joe, has been doing live PE classes every day during self-isolation
Dad-of-two, Joe, has been doing live PE classes every day during self-isolation

The sweet message left for Joe then saw him urge people to visit Reuben’s ‘Rooting For Reuben’ Facebook page.

Joe then addressed Reuben personally in the video, saying: “Reuben, if you’re watching – I hope you are – I’m so proud of you. I’m inspired, I’m moved and just overwhelmed by how amazing that message is.

“I woke up and read it and was like, ‘That is the most incredible, beautiful, up-lifting message I’ve ever received’.

“I’m so happy that your dad or whoever has written that has reached out and sent it.”