Kerry Katona admits she’s struggling with her mental health in lockdown as she vows to write book series

As a mum of girls, I’m totally clued up dealing with the trials and tribulations of periods – but I’m fully aware me and my daughters are in a privileged position.

Unlike Lilly and Molly, a lot of young women can’t afford, or don’t have access to, sanitary products, which is why I’m supporting Always’ End Period Poverty campaign.

It aims to provide tampons and towels for girls who can’t buy them, while raising awareness that some girls even miss school due to not having sanitary products.

Kerry Katona has revealed she’s struggled with her mental health amid the UK lockdown

And let’s face it, periods can be a bloody nightmare at the best of times – pardon the pun!

Last week, seemingly along with the rest of the country, we watched Quiz, the TV drama about the Who Wants To Be A Millionaire coughing scandal – and me and my Molly are at loggerheads over the court verdict!

I’m now convinced Charles Ingram is innocent, but Molly reckons the programme didn’t show us enough of the prosecution’s argument so it was biased.

Kerry said she went out for a proper walk for the first time last week
Kerry said she went out for a proper walk for the first time last week

Part of me wonders if it was all a big publicity stunt back in the day to get more viewers, but I do think it’s really interesting how Charles and his wife Diana still maintain their innocence. Either way, what happened to them – the abuse, the pet killing and being spat at in the street – was a disgrace.

Why did it even have to go to court? How is it illegal to cheat on a quiz?! If you can beat the quizmaster, good luck to you!

Last week I went outside for a proper walk for the first time since lockdown began. We went to the forest and climbed trees, took in the air and, I tell you what, it made all the difference to my mindset. I felt lighter than I had in a long time – there was a point where I was starting to struggle a bit with my mental health.

New 875 Kerry column
Philip Schofield launching a range of wine has led Kerry to think about releasing a series of books

I’ve been working out in Ryan’s new gym, which he’s set up at home in the run-up to the launch of his new business, so I am keeping fit, but there’s nothing like some good old-fashioned fresh air to blast away the cobwebs.

Phillip Schofield has launched a range of wine, which is perfect for him because I know he’s a huge fan of the stuff. I can’t stand it (though I’m sure Schofe’s is tasty!), but it got me thinking about a product I’d bring out if I had the opportunity.

It would be a series of books – about mental health, of course. It’s something that’s so close to my heart and one day I will write them!

New 875 Kerry column
Kerry’s ex Brian McFadden celebrated his 40th birthday

Pick up a copy of new magazine – out now
Pick up a copy of new magazine – out now

I’m quite shocked to see Bruce Willis is still isolating with his ex-wife Demi Moore, while his current wife is in a totally different house with their young kids. I know times are tough and all, but what a strange situation!

Speaking of exes, it was Brian McFadden’s 40th birthday last week. I sent him a nice message and our girls went on FaceTime to celebrate with him. I think he had a party on Zoom and it all went well.

I can’t believe how old we’re all getting – me and Brian married when we were babies! Life goes by fast.