Loose Women’s Stacey Solomon blasts trolls who made cruel comments about her son Rex

Stacey Solomon is known for sharing clips of her family life with Joe Swash and her three sons.

Now the Loose Women panelist has hit out at trolls on Instagram after she felt she was unfairly “parent shamed” over videos she shared of her son Rex, one.

Stacey, 31, explained she wasn’t interested in hearing any criticism of her parenting techniques.

Stacey won’t let the trolls get her down

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She wrote: “But just a little note to say… indirectly shaming a parent in any way, is just the worst.

“Making them wonder if them or their child is ‘normal’ is just cruel. EVERY child is different I have three, NONE the same.

“So they are who they are and all parents are just doing their absolute best to love them unconditionally and that is ALL.”

Stacey gave birth to Rex, who she shares with Joe, last year.

In her post Stacey claimed she had received several direct messages which alleged she didn’t share the “reality” of parenting a toddler on the platform.

She reposted one of the cruel messages to hit her point home.

Stacey hit out at trolls in her post

The message read: “You always upload videos of son Rex smiling and laughing! Why do you never show the reality of what it’s really like having a toddler?”

In response Stacey pointed out her son was naturally upbeat.

She also advised her followers against “shaming” fellow mums.

Stacey said: “I get messages like this quite often but I’ve seen a few today for some reason…

“He’s just a smiley boy. It’s just who he is. We’ve done nothing special. WE haven’t sent him to smiley classes or anything.”

She said Rex “rarely cries,” adding: “When he does, the last thing I’m going to do is get my phone out and take a picture of (sic) video.

Stacey gushed over her boyfriend Joe Swash before saying it was "touch and go" for her grandma
Stacey Solomon is known for sharing clips of her family life with Joe Swash and their four sons.

The X Factor star is already a proud mum to 12-year-old Zachary and eight-year-old Leighton from previous relationships

Stacey put pressure on Joe to propose earlier this month.

One follower asked Stacey if she was set to make her own wedding invitations.

The star was also asked if she is set to walk down the aisle with Joe.

Alongside a crying-with-laughter emoji, Stacey responded: “Lots of you asking this… I bloomin’ wish.”

She added with a chuckle: “Without coming across like a desperate loser, I wish!”

“Nope, five years in and not even an inkling of that happening.”

It’s the first time that Stacey has hinted she is keen to wed former EastEnders star Joe.