Marvel Reveals How Many Planets King In Black Has Already Destroyed

Marvel just revealed how many planets the King in Black has destroyed in his conquest to cover the entire universe in darkness.

Warning: spoilers for S.W.O.R.D. #2 and Marvel’s King in Black event!

The scale of the King in Black’s takeover of the Marvel Universe has been massive, as the God of Symbiotes and his army attempt to cover the entire galaxy in darkness. His grand efforts are hard to quantify but in the most recent issue of S.W.O.R.D. by Marvel Comics, it’s revealed Knull’s destruction is somehow even worse than initially thought.

Knull is an ancient being that has lurked in the shadows before the beginning of time. He recently unleashed his full symbiote army on planets across the cosmos and alongside his dragon soldiers, he has left Earth in tatters. He’s killed the planet’s strongest hero, had little difficulty with Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, and has seen his takeover succeed without much real challenge. While Marvel has teased potential solutions to beating the King in Black, his death count keeps climbing as he’s destroyed entire planets and ended billions of lives.

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In S.W.O.R.D. #2 by Al Ewing, Valerio Schiti, and VC’s Ariana Maher, heroes at the repowered S.W.O.R.D. space station (now a mutant space program) try to figure out how to help Earth now that Knull has used the shell of a Klyntar to cover it entirely. As they plan on saving their mutant allies and take down a symbiote dragon, S.W.O.R.D. leader Abigail Brand briefs the team on the King in Black’s destruction, revealing that data she got from the Galactic Council show that he’s already murdered nearly a dozen populated worlds.

Brand worries Earth will join the list of planets the King in Black destroyed, while admitting even heroes can fail. To counter Knull, she suggests using Protocol V. Later panels show Mentallo on Krakoa with his massive Think Tank, where he tells The Five (the mutants who are responsible for resurrection) that it’s an escape vehicle and that they need to get on as they should “leave the Earth to die.” Brand knows Knull is close to destroying the planet, so calling on a protocol that takes Earth’s most important mutants to safety is probably a good call.

Knull’s desctruction across the galaxy has been previously touched on, but understandably, the main focus of the King in Black event is what’s happening on Earth. Still, that doesn’t mean the planet his sole focus. Readers knew his death count was in the billions but the fact he’s taken down more than a dozen planets puts his kill-count into somehow even more unfathonable numbers. The King in Black is proving to be the deadliest threat that’s ever existed in the Marvel Universe and he doesn’t appear to be slowing down anytime soon.

Next: King in Black: Marvel’s Most Unpredictable Hero Hired To Kill Knull

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