Taika Waititi Reveals One Of His All-Time Favorite Star Wars Moments

Director Taika Waititi, who will soon helm his own Star Wars movie, reveals his favorite moment from the franchise set in the galaxy far, far away.

Taika Waititi named his favorite Star Wars film and moment within the franchise. Best known for reviving Marvel’s God of Thunder’s franchise via Thor: Ragnarok, the director will officially bring his expertise to the film side of the galaxy far, far away with Lucasfilm confirming he’ll direct his own movie. He’s previously worked in the franchise on The Mandalorian, on which he played IG-11 and directed the season 1 finale.

As part of Disney Investor Day 2020, Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy announced a string of movies and TV shows for Star Wars, on top of providing an update to the previously confirmed ones such as the Obi-Wan Kenobi series. Unlike Patty Jenkins, whose Star Wars film project was announced and confirmed to be Rogue Squadron, Waititi’s project is still being kept firmly under wraps with no indication of what it will be about and when it will be set in the expansive timeline. Still, there’s growing interest in knowing his personal relation with Star Wars and he’s more than happy to talk about it.

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Recently, The Star Wars Show revisited The Empire Strikes Back and revealed never-before-seen footage from the iconic movie. Waititi provided commentary as the feature tackles the Dagobah sequence, with the director hailing one of its most important moments to be his favorite from all of Star Wars.

“My favorite moment is on Dagobah when Luke is trying to bring his X-wing out of the swamp. Then Yoda, with his three little fingers, brings the thing out of the swamp. Not only just brings it up to the surface, out of the water, and what does Luke say? ‘I don’t believe it.’ That, for me, is the best moment in the film. That’s a message I can take with me throughout my life.”

Taika Waititi Star Wars Movie Director

The Empire Strikes Back is dubbed the best entry in the Skywalker saga by many so it’s not surprising that something from it made a big impact on Waititi. While there have been other training sequences in the franchise over the years, this Dagobah scene between Jedi Master Yoda and Luke is still a fan-favorite for a couple of reasons. Aside from being the debut of Yoda, it’s also executed efficiently. During the brief amount of time the pair spent on the swamp planet, Yoda made an indelible mark on Luke and the viewers. It’s the reason bringing him back as a Force ghost in Star Wars: The Last Jedi was so effective.

One downside from Waititi’s pick for his favorite Star Wars moment is that it doesn’t give any indication whatsoever of what can be expected from his own film. Since The Empire Strikes Back scene and the film is so popular among fans of the franchise, it makes sense that the director is also drawn to it much like a lot of people. In any case, given Waititi’s stellar work portfolio and his history of working on The Mandalorian, there’s a sense of optimism and anticipation for his Star Wars upcoming project – whatever it may be about.

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Source: The Star Wars Show

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