Deutscher (62) pretended to be a fake Swiss doctor for decades

Since the 1980s, a now 62-year-old German has been up to mischief as a false “Swiss doctor”. Throughout Germany he passed himself off as a doctor from Switzerland. In the Swiss dialect, he promised women the blue of heaven – for example a carefree life as a doctor’s wife in Switzerland.

The only problem is that the man had only been released from prison a year ago. He was serving a prison sentence of several years for assault and abuse of title. In the meantime, new arrest warrants were available: The wrong doctor is now also charged with particularly serious rape. He is also said to have offended children. In addition, burglary, stolen property, dangerous bodily harm and fraud are investigated.

Published: 07/11/2021, 11 minutes ago

Last updated: 11.07.2021, 2 minutes ago