Diablo 4 shows off its first DLC and makes a huge announcement

Diablo 4 finally shows us its first DLC and makes a huge announcement at the same time. It looks monstrous and fans of the license will love it!

That’s it, BlizzCon is launched and Blizzard is starting to release the big announcements. The festivities began with the opening ceremony, like every year. Diablo 4 was of course present, of course, and it gave us excellent news concerning the future of the game and its DLC.

Yes, Diablo 4’s first paid expansion has finally shown up. The big boss of the franchise, Rob Fergusson, accompanied by Tiffany Watt and Chris Wilson, two producers, came to tell us what will happen soon in Diablo 4. After returning to the latest news from season 2, they announced to us the The arrival of other content, notably rings straight from season 1, but also new challenges such as an event allowing you to face a new Uber boss, Uber Uriel, and to win an exclusive paragon emblem. A Christmas event has also been announced, but no information has leaked yet.

The Diablo 4 DLC is finally showing up!

But the highlight of the show is none other than the first presentation of the next DLC. This is not a surprise since several expansions have been confirmed by Blizzard from the start, but this is the first time that this first DLC has been shown. The leaks were therefore true, at least at first glance. The first expansion of Diablo 4 will be called Vessel of Hatred and will land in 2024. The DLC will indeed focus on Mephisto, as recent leaks had suggested. Furthermore, we would visit old regions seen in Diablo 2 in particular, a return to basics, but not only since new regions would obviously be included.

Finally, and this is perhaps the biggest announcement of this speech, a new class never before seen in the Diablo universe will make its entrance. No name yet, but if leaks are to be believed, it would be called Spiritborn and would be very linked to nature. It would be in keeping with the idea that Vessel of Hatred will take us through dense jungles. No additional information at this time, but the Diablo 4 team will be holding a Campfire stream tomorrow to give us more information. The appointment is made.

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