Diarrhea in adults: what treatments and how to relieve it quickly? : Current Woman Le MAG

More common in children, adults are no less at risk of being affected by acute diarrhea. Even if this manifestation is generally harmless to health, it can be annoying in daily life. Several solutions can calm this sudden digestive disorder.

What causes acute diarrhea?

Acute diarrhea results in soft, watery stools occurring mainly in the context of gastroenteritis of viral or bacterial origin, or after ingestion of food contaminated by bacteria or a parasite.

This symptom can also be a side effect certain medications or illnesses. “Antibiotics can sometimes disrupt the digestive flora. The patient may then present with acute diarrhea which will quickly subside, but in certain more serious cases, taking these medications leads to a proliferation of bacteria which may be responsible for pseudo colitis. membranous, a serious disease especially in the elderly. From the moment a bacteria takes over in the digestive tract, it can create lesions and lead to inflammation.explains Doctor César Ancelle-Hansen, emergency doctor and head of the “Mental Health and other specialties” service at Livi, a teleconsultation platform.

To note : we distinguish acute diarrhea, which corresponds to a sudden emission of stools that are too frequent or too liquid for less than seven days, and chronic diarrhea, which lasts for more than three weeks.

Gastroenteritis: what are the symptoms that can be associated with diarrhea?

In addition to diarrhea, various symptoms can occur in cases of gastroenteritis. The patient may suffer from vomiting, respiratory symptoms (runny nose, cough), mild, moderate or very severe abdominal pain.

“The event to watch out for is abdominal pain. One of the main pitfalls is to say that it is only gastroenteritis when the appendix may have been affected by the infection. According to a recent studycertain viruses causing gastroenteritis could trigger appendicitis. Additionally, within the belly, there are multiple organs. Behind a suspicion of gastroenteritis may hide diverticulitis, pancreatitis or appendicitis, also responsible for diarrhea and vomiting. We must therefore be vigilant as a health professional.” recommends the emergency doctor.

How is diarrhea transmitted? How to reduce its spread?

Diarrhea, the cause of which is infectious, can be transmitted during from direct contact with someone who is already sick, with objects containing fine particles of stool infected patients, or from consumption of contaminated food

To limit its spread, it is recommended to:

  • wash your hands well;
  • to limit interactions with individuals affected by gastroenteritis;
  • to regularly disinfect surfaces.

What are the treatments to quickly relieve diarrhea?

The episode of acute diarrhea usually heals spontaneously within a few days. In the case of excessively large or liquid stools, anti-diarrheal medications can be administered to reduce secretion. “Symptomatic treatments depend on the clinical manifestation. If the patient has diarrhea, for example, in the morning, then nothing in the afternoon, there is no need to implement drug treatment”notes Doctor César Ancelle-Hansen.

In vulnerable populations (elderly people, young children), we must be vigilant at the risk of dehydration which may occur in the context of acute diarrhea. Until this symptom disappears, it is important to have regular intake of water, mineral salts, and even glucose.

Concerning diet, the patient does not need to restrict himself to a particular category of foods. Depending on his symptoms, he may decide to eat smaller quantities of food several times during the day rather than eating three large meals.

Treatments may be prescribed to relieve symptoms that may accompany diarrhea. To reduce fever or pain, paracetamol may be indicated while antiemetics may be prescribed in cases of nausea and vomiting.

Diarrhea: how to prevent recurrences of gastroenteritis or food poisoning?

The majority of pathogens are handled. It is therefore necessary to wash your hands regularly to prevent recurrence of gastroenteritis.

Diarrhea is also a symptom associated with foodborne illnesses. Food must therefore be stored in a clean container in the refrigerator. Above all, food should not be left in the open air due to the risk of contamination. Cleaning fruits and vegetables as well as respecting cooking methods are essential precautions to reduce the risk of infection.

Read also :

⋙ Gastroenteritis in children: symptoms to recognize and available treatments

⋙ When should you consult a doctor in case of gastroenteritis?

⋙ Gastroenteritis: 5 mistakes to avoid so as not to transmit it when you are sick

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