did you earn more than average?

In 2023, 5.27 billion euros were paid by 519,000 establishments under the value sharing bonus, also called the Macron bonus. On average, employees obtained 885 euros thanks to this bonus. But disparities exist.

5.27 billion euros paid by 519,000 establishments, and an average gain for employees of 885 euros, according to statistics revealed at the beginning of March by Urssaf. In 2023, many employees therefore benefited from the value-sharing bonus, better known as the Macron bonus. Small companies (less than 10 employees) have around 23.9% of the bonus amounts, compared to 19.3% for companies with 2000 employees or more. The amount of the bonus is higher in small companies, 1141 euros in companies with less than 10 employees and 855 euros in those with 2000 employees or more.

In detail, 33.5% of employees who benefited from the bonus received 1000 euros or more. But for almost 4 out of 10 employees (39.2%), the latter was less than 500 euros. The age of the employee also influences the amount paid. Thus, those under 20 received on average 397 euros, compared to 613 euros for the 20-24 year old bracket and 836 euros for 25-29 year olds. Beyond that, the premium oscillates between 860 and 956 euros, with a maximum for the age group of 40 to 44 years.

1141 euros premium on average in small companies

24% of private sector establishments pay a bonus to their employees: the share of companies paying this bonus increases with the size of the company. It is 20.6% in companies with fewer than 10 employees and 41.3% in companies with 2,000 employees or more. On the other hand, it is better to work in industry (excluding agri-food), a sector in which 40% of employees received a bonus, than in the hotel and catering industry (only 14.1%) or in the entertainment sector (14 %).

Finally, the average amounts paid vary depending on the region. They range between 750 euros in Brittany and 1037 euros in Guyana.

Macron bonus in your company? Why this is not necessarily good news

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