“Difficult to reconcile” – love outing: Red youth attacks Dornauer

Where love falls: The relationship between Tyrol’s SPÖ deputy governor Georg Dornauer and the Trentino parliamentarian from the right-wing party Fratelli d’Italia Alessia Ambrosi continues to make waves – and is now also causing criticism within the party.

Specifically, it is the red youth organizations that are sour about the liaison between Dornauer and Ambrosi. The recently publicized relationship with “the parliamentarian of the post-fascist party” is “very difficult to reconcile with his function,” it said in a broadcast. With the postscript: “Unfortunately, nobody is surprised anymore.” “Responsibility as party chairman” “Even if one thing is private and the other is politics, you have a responsibility as a public figure and as chairman of an anti-fascist party,” stresses Vincent, for example Gogala, Chairman of the VSStÖ Innsbruck. One could even assume “that this relationship reveals ideological attitudes that have made Dornauer deviate from social democratic values ​​for a long time.” Gogala reminds Dornauer that he represents the SPÖ Tirol to the outside world. In addition, he knew “as a political scientist and social democrat with a doctorate that the private sphere is also political.” clean table in the “Krone” interview on the sidelines of the Generali Open in Kitzbühel. When asked about the “rumors of the last few days”, he replied: “Now it’s out, if you will – and maybe it’s a good thing!”
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