Digital comes within the scope of the National Council for Refoundation

Digital is entering the spectrum of the National Council for Refoundation (CNR). This multidisciplinary dialogue body, which brings together all spheres of civil society and politics at the local and national level, is an initiative carried out since September by the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron himself.

The first session of the “digital” CNR was held for the first time this Tuesday, November 22, in the presence of Jean-Noël Barrot, Minister Delegate in charge of the Digital Transition and Telecommunications. In a context of increasing digitization of society, digital transformation is becoming “a source of complexity, insecurity and represents a factor of exclusion for people far from basic uses”, can we read in a press release from the ministry.

This assembly, which brings together representatives of political forces, social partners, local elected officials, representatives of the economic world and the associative world, aims to provide concrete solutions to the challenges of digital transformation that abound in the daily life of the French.

A hundred participants invited to the first meeting

The 120 participants gathered during this first exchange put three subjects on the table: first of all, the digital divide, which still affects 13 million French people, the digital transition at work and the fight against online violence.

On the basis of these subjects identified as preponderant in the public debate, the Council aims to identify “actions and solutions” at the national level, by inviting the participants of the CNR and the French people who wish to voluntarily participate in the consultations on the territories or online votes.

“The CNR Numérique is a method that will allow the direct association of organized civil society and the French. Its objective is clear: to build concrete solutions together to protect, support and integrate all French people in the ongoing digital transition. France has many assets to put forward in the digital sector, our society must also take care not to leave any French on the side of the path of this transition”, argues Jean-Noël Barrot.

By its method, the CNR “Digital” is reminiscent of the role of another advisory council: the National Digital Council (CNNum), which took a multidisciplinary turn two years ago to think about societal transformations.

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