DIRECT – Coronavirus: Antoine Griezmann tested positive for Covid-19

France is facing a wave of the Omicron variant, pushing the government to take new measures, in particular on the vaccination pass, teleworking, or even wearing a mask outdoors. Follow all the news related to Covid-19 in France and around the world.

2:00 p.m.

Guillaume Rozier, the founder of the CovidTracker application, which closely follows the Coronavirus epidemic, explained that he could no longer follow the evolution of the Omicron variant.

He evokes a problem of tracing cases, and anomalies in the figures communicated by the government. “The DGS decided on Friday 17th to upset the screening methods to“ better follow Omicron ”, by communicating little information.

Since then, the proportion of cases known to have C has dropped in public data. It is now impossible to follow Omicron ”, according to Guillaume Rozier.

The problem of screening the Omicron variant had already been denounced by CNRS researcher Florence Debarre on December 26th.


Residents of Xi’an told AFP on Thursday that they lack food, when Chinese authorities ensure that the supply is “sufficient” in the city confined due to Covid-19. Xi’an (north), famous for the underground army of the first emperor of China, has been under bell for a week, after cases of Covid-19.

11:55 a.m.

Nobel Peace Prize winner and former Finnish President Martti Ahtisaari, 84, is in hospital where he tested positive for Covid-19. This is the second time that the former mediator of international conflicts has contracted the disease, after having already been infected in March 2020.

11:48 a.m.

Antoine Griezmann has tested positive for Covid-19, announces Atletico Madrid. It is asymptomatic.

The club also reported that Diego Simeone, Koke, Hector Herrera and Joao Félix also positive are in isolation.


Saudi Arabia is reinstating physical distancing measures at the Grand Mosque in Mecca, Islam’s holiest city, due to an epidemic rebound in the kingdom that hosted millions of pilgrims before the pandemic.

11:01 am

Britons have not been able to use the Channel Tunnel for several days to transit by road through France to reach their European residence, under the traffic rules put in place by France to curb the Covid-19 epidemic , creating confusion at the border.

10:42 am

More than 6.8 million Covid-19 tests were carried out last week, a “new record” due “mainly” to 16-65 year olds, according to figures released Thursday by the Ministry of Health.


Fighting action at the French leader in rapid diagnostic tests. Biosynex has hired 200 temporary workers to respond to a meteoric demand for self-tests driven by the records of Covid-19 contamination and the end-of-year celebrations.

To respond to orders, we had to make room. It is therefore under a large marquee, erected in the parking lot, that the company based in Illkirch-Graffenstaden, on the outskirts of Strasbourg, has set up its testing packaging workshop.


“All fairs and shows are not affected by the gauges” set on Monday to curb the Omicron variant of the Covid-19, said the Minister Delegate in charge of Tourism and SMEs, Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne, on Thursday.

Zoos and amusement parks are also not affected by these gauges set at 2,000 people maximum indoors and 5,000 outdoors to slow down the Omicron variant, Lemoyne added on RMC.

8:45 a.m.

While the government imposes three to four days of teleworking per week from next Monday, recalcitrant companies will risk a fine of up to 1,000 euros per employee, announces on LCI the Minister of Labor Elisabeth Borne.

An amendment to the bill on the vaccine pass will be tabled by the end of the week.


The number of new cases of Covid has almost tripled in one week and continues to grow “worryingly” in Guadeloupe, where the Delta variant remains in the majority, announced the ARS and the prefecture.

Some 543 cases were identified from December 20 to 26, against 203 the previous week and “nearly 850 cases were identified in less than 3 days” for the start of the week from December 27 to January 2, said Valérie Denux , Director General of the Regional Health Agency (ARS), during a press conference. “The situation this week is really very very worrying,” she explained.


The Mexican drug regulator on Wednesday authorized the emergency use of the Cuban Abdala vaccine against Covid-19, authorities said.


Argentina, after the United States on Monday, then Spain, announced a reduction in the quarantine for people positive for Covid, from 10 to 7 days, in an attempt to minimize the impact on economic activity in the face of a record outbreak of cases in recent days against the background of the presence of the Omicron variant.

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