DIRECT – Coronavirus: “Today we will reach 20 million recalls”, announces Olivier Véran

Many countries, including France, are facing a fifth wave of the epidemic. Follow all the news related to Covid-19 in France and around the world.


“Today we will reach 20 million recalls. Thank you to all those who, mobilized as ever, allow us to protect ourselves against the delta and omicron variants ”, wrote Olivier Véran, the Minister of Health on Twitter. “We continue, we amplify, we will get there, together! “.


The large Chinese city of Xi’an (north), known for its army buried in terracotta, began Tuesday to screen all of its 13 million inhabitants after the detection of around 40 cases of Covid-19. While the number of cases in China is extremely low compared to other countries, authorities do not want to leave anything to chance before the Winter Olympics and the major Chinese New Year trips.

The country has practically eradicated the epidemic on its soil since the spring of 2020 thanks to long mandatory quarantines on arrival, targeted containments, massive screenings, mobile applications for tracking movements and the drastic limitation of international flights.

6:10 a.m.

The Omicron variant is now largely in the majority in the United States, where President Joe Biden is due to deliver a speech on Tuesday, while in Germany, the new Chancellor Olaf Scholz will announce restrictions, without confinement on the agenda.

Omicron accounted for 73.2% of new Covid-19 infections in the United States during the week ended December 18, according to data from American health authorities released Monday evening. The previous week the figure was only 12.6%.

Omicron’s proportion hovers around 95% of cases in a group of northwestern states (Oregon, Washington and Idaho) and another in the southeast, including Florida, according to the Centers for Prevention and Control. Against Disease (CDC).


The Peruvian Congress announced Monday that only deputies and employees who have received at least two doses of the Covid-19 vaccine will be able to access the headquarters in order to limit infections in the face of the arrival of the first cases of the Omicron variant in the country.

“Entrance to the facilities of the Congress of the Republic will be restricted to people who have received at least two doses of the vaccine,” a statement posted on Twitter said.

This measure was adopted in accordance with a government regulation that came into force on December 15, which prevents people without a vaccination schedule from entering public buildings.

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