Dirty Dancing: This is what the stars of that time became

“I’ve had the time of my life” – this line is enough to make Baby and Johnny appear in your mind’s eye with their famous lifting figure from “Dirty Dancing”. The American film was released in cinemas in 1987 and became the big surprise hit of the season – contrary to the expectations of the production company Vestron, who wanted to bring the dance film onto video cassette for home use as quickly as possible. “Dirty Dancing” became the first film to sell more than a million copies on video.

The film’s plot is largely based on screenwriter Eleanor Bergstein’s youth, who herself took part in so-called “dirty dance competitions” while on family vacation. The film was produced by Linda Gottlieb. After several rejections from other production companies, Vestron Pictures agreed to produce the film – with half the originally requested budget. Emile Ardolino, for whom “Dirty Dancing” was the first major feature film, was chosen as director.

“Dirty Dancing”: Several actors had to be hospitalized during filming

The film was shot in two different locations: in the town of Lake Lure in the state of North Carolina and the famous “Mountain Lake Lodge” in Virginia. The 43-day shoot began there in early September 1986. During the filming of “Dirty Dancing,” the crew had to contend with extreme weather conditions – indoor temperatures were up to 49 degrees Celsius. Several actors had to be hospitalized for dehydration and Patrick Swayze severely injured his knee after falling off a tree trunk several times during the balancing scene. In October it got so cold that the temperature of the lake dropped to 4 degrees Celsius for the lifting figure scene and became a real torture for leading actress Jennifer Grey.

Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Gray were not good friends

There was always friction between Swayze and Gray during the filming of “Dirty Dancing” – to get each other positive again, they had to watch their screen test together, in which they had “breathtaking” chemistry. By the way: Winona Ryder and Sarah Jessica Parker were also initially considered for the role of Frances “Baby” Houseman.

The “Dirty Dancing” stars today

For many of the actors, the film “Dirty Dancing” was their breakthrough. Most of them came from the musical scene or were trained dancers – director Ardolino didn’t want to have to use doubles for the dance scenes. Some actors, like Jane Brucker, who played “Baby’s” sister “Lisa Houseman” or Neal Jones, who played “Johnny’s” cousin “Robbie”, are no longer active in the industry today. Our photo series shows what the other actors from the 80s cult film are doing today.


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