Disappearance of Delphine Jubillar: what do we know about the burnt farm that would interest investigators?

MISCELLANEOUS FACTS – A farm located in Cagnac-les-Mines burned down in April 2021, five months after the thirty-something nurse vanished. Already searched by the military, the site could be the subject of further research after Cédric Jubillar, considered the main suspect, made statements.

It intrigues some, starting with the investigators. Does the Drignac farm, which caught fire in mid-April 2021 contain some of the secrets of the mysterious disappearance of Delphine Jubillar on the night of December 15 to 16, 2020?

The hypothesis that the body of the young nurse could be there is not excluded. Already excavated, the site could soon be the subject of new research. What do we know about this site?

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The disappearance of Delphine Jubillar

A fire on April 15, 2021

The farm in question is located in the locality of Drignac, a few kilometers – approximately 4 km – south of Cagnac-les-Mines, where the Jubillar house is located. On Thursday April 15, 2021, the farm of more than 200 m2 was partly ravaged by flames for reasons that remain unknown.

At the time, Cédric Jubillar was not in prison. He has since been indicted for murder of a spouse and placed in detention on June 18, 2021, seven months after the disappearance of his wife Delphine. The couple were going through a divorce.

Already searched

Like the whole of Cagnac-les-Mines and its surroundings, the farm and its land have already been searched by investigators. They found no clue.

Delphine’s body moved to the farm?

In September 2021, three months after the imprisonment of Cédric Jubillar, an inmate imprisoned in Toulouse-Seysses prison, where the plaster painter is located, asked to be heard by the investigators in charge of the case. Nicknamed Marco, according to information from Parisian, this 36-year-old Corsican was a neighbor of Cédric Jubillar in the isolation ward. The two would have communicated through the windows. Arrested in Portugal in August 2021, Marco was extradited to France pending trial for old facts. He assures us that he was completely ignorant of the Jubillar affair at the time.

According to this man, Cédric Jubillar would have confided in him more and more over the days and even confessed to him having killed Delphine. The daily reports the comments made by Corsica and recorded in a report: “He (Cedric Jubillar) would have first seen a message from his wife’s lover with whom she was texting, relates the Corsican fellow prisoner. He took his phone out of his hands and saw the messages. This is what made him twist (…). He claims to be the biggest cuckold in France. He told me he knew where to bury him before the fact. He explained to me that he followed his wife by geolocating her, having tried to hack her phone without success. He knew what was going to happen. He was waiting for the right moment to get rid of it “.

According to Marco, Cédric Jubillar would have added that he had buried Delphine’s body in “a place that has already burned down”, without further details, at a level “shallow”.

The fellow inmate ensures that Séverine is aware

Still according to information from Parisian, the fellow inmate told investigators that Cédric Jubillar feared the onset of winter, citing the risk that “the remains can reappear at the mercy of the vagaries of nature”.

He would have added that Cédric would have confided that Séverine L., his new girlfriend, had where his wife’s corpse was. He would have taken her to the scene for him “to prove his love”. Cédric Jubillar would also have told his cell neighbor to have benefited from the help of Séverine L’s eldest son, with whom he played poker.

Contact details of the farm on Snapchat

Marco also gave the investigators two letters written by Cédric Jubillar and which were intended for Séverine L. Marco was to give them to Delphine on her release from prison in October 2021. The fellow inmate says that he gave him the letters containing a secret code elaborated by Cédric to exchange with her in a secret way, and brought back to her the confidences of his neighbor of prison. The forty-something would have confirmed to him that Cédric Jubillar had pointed out the place where he had buried Delphine, but would have refused to go there. She would also have guided the Corsican prisoner to the Jubillar home in Cagnac-les-Mines, and would have shown him a path leading to the farm which burned down in April 2021. This would be the supposed place where the body was hidden. Séverine L. would have to go further, because she thought she was “chipped” (followed) by the investigators.

Still according to our colleagues, Séverine L. would have sent Marco via Snapchat the GPS coordinates of the farm, as well as the first names and the names of the lover of Delphine Jubillar and her companion with their photos and information on their place of work . They would have raised the idea of ​​moving the body of Delphine near the home of this couple in Montauban in order to make them suspects.

Contacted by LCI, several lawyers in this case say they are scandalized to see extracts of the minutes appear in the press. Cédric Jubillar, he has always disputed the facts with which he was accused. This Tuesday, the investigative chamber of the Toulouse Court of Appeal examines a new request for the release of the one the prosecution considers the main suspect.

Cédric Jubillar benefits from the presumption of innocence. His lawyers recall that in this case, there is neither body nor crime scene today.

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