Disappearance of Delphine Jubillar: what happened to her two children? : Current Woman Le MAG

On the night of December 15 to 16, 2020, Delphine Jubillar’s life changed. The 33-year-old mother, who lived in Cagnac-les-Mines in Tarn with her husband and their two children, disappeared without a trace. An investigation was quickly opened and, after several months of research, Cédric Jubillar was indicted and then incarcerated at Toulouse-Seysses prison (Haute-Garonne) in June 2021. The nurse’s husband, the only suspect in this affair, maintains his innocence and remains presumed innocent. In its columnsFriday December 15, 2023, The Dispatch returned to this affair, discussing the main protagonists. Among them, there are Elyah and Louis, the two children of Delphine Jubillar, aged 18 months and 6 years at the time of the events. After their father was placed in pre-trial detention, Raphaëlle Rondy, the children’s judge at the Albi judicial court, asked that they be entrusted to Stéphanie, the nurse’s sister.

Louis: a little boy heard by investigators

Stéphanie was designated as a “trusted third party” and the two children are still in her custody today. They live in a small village in Gaillac, about 25 kilometers from Albi. A provisional placement decision valid for one year but which has been renewed twice. Nadine, Cédric Jubillar’s mother, obtained accommodation rights every other weekend every Tuesday. Sébastien, one of Delphine Jubillar’s brothers, has the right to look after them one weekend per month. A complicated situation for two children who lost their mother. But what happened to the nurse? At the time of the events, Louis was interviewed by investigators. The little boy had mentioned the last evening with his mother. He explained that he had heard a clash between his parents. According to his words, Cédric Jubillar and his wife argued for a few minutes. Words taken very seriously but, to date, no evidence has allowed us to discover what happened to Delphine Jubillar. Three years after the events, the nurse gave no sign of life and her body was never found.

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