“Disconnection”, “candidate”, the first political reactions to Macron’s wishes to the French

By SudOuest.fr with AFP

The wishes pronounced by the Head of State this Friday, December 31, were obviously the subject of all the attentions on the part of the political world, a few months before the presidential elections.

The first political reactions to the wishes to the French presented Friday evening by Emmanuel Macron, on Twitter:

> Jean-Luc Mélenchon (France Insoumise)

Jean-Luc Mélenchon, LFI presidential candidate: “First of all, a first aid president. And then the speech from the automatic answering machine at LREM’s headquarters. My wish: that it be the last time ”.

> Fabien Roussel (PCF)

Fabien Roussel, PCF presidential candidate: “One thing is certain: Macron is not vaccinated against disconnection. He lives in a parallel world. The President of the rich forgets the damage of high cost of living, low wages and that a record number of our fellow citizens are tightening their belts for the end of his five-year term. “

> Julien Bayou (EELV)

Julien Bayou, EELV national secretary: “The wishes of President Macron are those of a president who is already a candidate but still above ground, of a president locked in denial. Locked in climate denial and inaction to save the living that goes with it. “

> Geoffroy Didier (LR)

Geoffroy Didier, communication director of the LR presidential candidate Valérie Pécresse: “Quirky wishes and propaganda wishes while the situation in France requires lucidity and humility. After these yellow vests and Covid years, 2022 must be the occasion of a new era! “

> Nicolas Dupont-Aignan (Standing La France)

Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, Debout La France presidential candidate: “Good news! You have just suffered the last false and pretentious wishes of Emmanuel Macron! Roll on April 24! “

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