discover the low-cost dietary supplements she takes to stay in shape


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At 45, Virginie Efira has a little secret of her own to stay in top shape: low-cost food supplements initially reserved for seniors.

Virginie Efira does not only rely on sports to be full of energy and maintain a figure in which she feels good. At 45she relies more on her overall well-being than on the diets she has been able to do for certain roles, to feel good and able to keep up with the pace imposed by her job.

Surprisingly, and as she confided to vogue in an interview in which she revealed her beauty secrets and the names of her favorite hair care products to the magazine, she regularly takes food supplements intended for seniors to reboost themselves and keep fit. “My dietician recommended Vitamins Bion 3 Senior to me” she revealed, mentioning the name of these famous special low-cost supplements that were designed to boost the body’s immune defenses after 50 years. They are sold for less than 15 euros on most sites and in pharmacies. “Yes I know, I’m getting a little ahead…” conceded the star, foreseeing the astonishment of his interlocutor, before explaining: “Coming from a family of doctors, I’m actually very little inclined towards alternative medicine”.

Virginie Efira: what do her food supplements contain for the over 50s?

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Formulated with a cocktail of 12 vitamins, 7 essential minerals, ginseng and lutein, these vitality activating food supplements reduce fatigue and restore energy, while strengthening the immune system. To be taken as a cure for 30 to 60 days a few times a year, they make the difference.

Virginie Efira, her relationship to age

Even if she takes the lead with her food supplements designed for the needs of seniors, Virginie Efira does not fight against the passing years. When asked what she thinks of the passage of time, she replies: “What is certain is that the battle against the passage of time is lost in advance and the wisest thing is to accept it”. Rather, she projects herself positively into the future, imagining herself getting older: “I think I will find my 43 years extremely young, when I turn 67”.

Elodie Le Gall

Passionate about writing and beauty, Elodie swaps her lipstick for her laptop to find you the best makeup, hair and skincare trends, and pro tips…

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