Dismissal threatens – “Vaccination is murder” on the bus ad: Investigations

The Upper Austrian Transport Association (OÖVV) is concerned with a picture of a bus that is circulating on social media: Wherever the route number and destination are normally to be read, neon letters emblazoned with “vaccination is murder”. The internal investigations are in full swing, and reports have also been made to the police, the OÖVV said on Monday. Theoretically, 19 drivers are eligible, all of whom deny having entered the script. One does not assume that it is a fake.

The picture appeared on the night of Saturday in the run-up to the Corona demos in Vienna on social media; it was first shared on Telegram. You can see an OÖVV bus, which is apparently leaving the bus terminal at Linz Central Station. It is dark, the license plate is not recognizable. “The picture has no time stamp, we do not know when it was taken,” said an OÖVV spokesman when asked by APA. Therefore it is not possible to say which chauffeur was on duty. What is certain is that it is a bus from the company Dr. Richard handle that drives for the OÖVV. Both OÖVV and Dr. Richard distance themselves vehemently from the action. They are “horrified” and are currently trying to research the author. Falsification is ruled outThe script could only have been changed by the driver during a break or after work, according to the OÖVV. In theory, 19 drivers are eligible, all of whom deny having anything to do with it. Should it be possible to establish beyond doubt that an employee is responsible for this and who that is, the only possible consequence is the termination. The fact that the picture is a fake can currently be ruled out. It is also considered extremely unlikely that a “very well informed passenger” could have reprogrammed the text display.
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