Disney+ does not want to abuse advertising on its discounted subscription

Disney+’s advertising subscription, which is expected to launch in the coming months, will include four minutes of advertising per hour.

Source: Disney+

According to information from variety and wall street journal, Disney+ will run four minutes of advertising for movies and shows that are one hour or less for users with a subscription that includes advertising. A subscription that should be launched first in the United States at the end of the year and then in other countries in 2023.

No advertising for children’s profiles and on content for the youngest

Disney+ wishes to keep its family image, which is why the platform should not broadcast advertising when it is used by a child profile. In addition, no advertising should be displayed on content intended for a ” preschool audience, even if the user does not have a child profile “. There will be no advertisements having an adult theme, such as those related to alcohol or politics“. According to information fromvariety taken over byThe VergeDisney+”will also not accept advertisements from a competitor in the entertainment industry“.

Disney+ is positioned just below the competition on the amount of advertising

varietyalso points out, with four minutes per hour, Disney+ would position itself below or at the same level as what other SVoD services can practice. NBC’s Peacock is five minutes away, HBO Max is four minutes away as well. However, Disney+ would be above what Disney-owned Hulu does.which broadcasts between nine and twelve advertisements per hour“.

Disney Plus is available on PC, smartphones, TV and tablets
Disney Plus is available on PC, smartphones, TV and tablets // Source: Disney+

Disney+ continues to grow; it announced that it won over 7.9 million people in the last quarter, reaching 44 million subscribers in the United States and Canada. An increase even as Netflix sees its number of subscribers decrease: the platform has announced the arrival of a cheaper subscription including advertising, but also the end of account sharing to counterbalance this phenomenon. Indeed, Netflix lost 2 million subscribers in one quarter, after a long period of growth.

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