Disney+ promises “only” 4 minutes of advertising per hour in its AVoD formula

Like Netflix, Disney + will give in to the sirens of advertising and launch a less expensive formula but loaded with advertisements by the end of the year. However, the platform with big ears has undertaken not to exceed four minutes of advertising per hour of program.

Always in search of new sources of income, SVoD platforms did not go far to look for their latest find. So here comes the era of AVoD, cheaper streaming (even free in some cases) by watching a few advertisements. In the United States, services like Hulu, Peacock or HBO Max have already taken the plunge. In France, for the moment and with a few incursions, the practice remains very discreet.

four minutes per hour

But the situation will soon change since the two behemoths in the sector, Netflix and Disney +, will in turn launch a cheap formula with advertising. If at the N rouge we know just about when it will be available, the platform with the big ears has said a little more about its own terms.

According to wall street journalDisney+ will therefore simply broadcast “only“four minutes of advertising per hour of program in its formula, which should arrive by the end of the year. 240 seconds which clearly do not have the same value depending on your point of view. Because if the public French already cringe at the idea of ​​​​supporting such corridors of advertisements, the Americans are much more accustomed to the exercise.And the leaders of Disney + recall that four minutes is less than the competition.

Children will be spared

Currently, only HBO Max offers the same length of advertising on the AVoD version of its service, when Peacock climbs to 5 minutes and Hulu, however also owned by Disney, to nearly 8 minutes. These figures even seem ridiculous when compared to those of American television, which fluctuates between 18 and 23 minutes of advertising per hour of broadcast. Uses fundamentally different from those to which the French public is accustomed – difficult therefore to know if the offer will be the same at the launch in France.

As for financial analysts, we are obviously delighted with these new opportunities, which will allow advertisers to seek out young audiences, who have largely abandoned traditional television. That said, Disney+ is committed to ensuring that very young children (likely those under the age of 6) won’t see ads, even if they’re using an AVoD version of the service and regardless of what content they’re watching.

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