Dispute between Marine Le Pen and Marion Maréchal: Jean-Marie Le Pen as mediator

Lhe Le Pen clan is upside down. While a media war is raging between Marine Le Pen and Marion Maréchal – the second having decided not to join the first in view of the presidential election of 2022 – the “Menhir” has decided to whistle the end of recess . “I would like to talk to Marine Le Pen and Marion Maréchal in the coming days. I will express my thoughts later, when I deem it useful for the clarity of the presidential and legislative debates to come” thus thundered Jean-Marie Le Pen on Twitter, Friday January 28.

It must be said that Marion Maréchal did not go there by four paths. Interviewed Thursday by our colleagues from Parisian, the former deputy of Vaucluse, now retired from political life, assured that she would not support Marine Le Pen in the presidential election, whatever the scenario. The granddaughter of Jean-Marie Le Pen “reflects” on the other hand as to the fact of supporting Éric Zemmour in his race towards the Élysée. A blow for Marine Le Pen, who spoke on Friday of a “brutal” decision[e] », « Violent[e] “.

“I think that if I told you that it doesn’t affect me, no one would believe me,” she admitted to journalist Laurence Ferrari, who asked her about it on CNews. And to explain the reasons for his affliction: “I have a special story with Marion because I raised her with my sister during the first years of her life, so it is obviously brutal, violent and difficult for me. »

“Political misunderstanding”

Beyond her personal disappointment, Marine Le Pen shares her “political misunderstanding”. The president of the National Rally (RN) recalls that her niece had promised to support the far-right candidate best placed to win. However “I am undoubtedly much better placed today than Éric Zemmour since I am given in the second round […] and the ability to win against Emmanuel Macron”, asserts the elected representative of Pas-de-Calais.

Visibly moved, Marine Le Pen tried to close the subject: “Let’s move on! “She indeed prayed on the set of CNews, seeming to want to relegate to the archives this estrangement which comes to be added to the tormented history of the Le Pen clan.

READ ALSOMichel Richard – Éric Zemmour, the Swiss army knife of the presidential election

The day before, Marion Maréchal mentioned possible support for Éric Zemmour. “I’m thinking, no decision has been made”, but “if I support Éric, it’s not just to hang around and say hello”, she said. The current director of Issep, a private school based in Lyon, praised a man who “has made a lot of progress in posture, tone, gravity”. The former FN MP, four months pregnant, also said that she “will go back to politics” and that she plans to stand again in the legislative elections, in Morbihan or in Vaucluse.

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