Dispute over minimum tax comes to a head: SVP threatens rejection

The center continues to work with the left on the implementation of the global corporate minimum tax. Now the SVP is threatening to reject the last major reform of “their” Federal Councilor Ueli Maurer. The FDP is also dissatisfied.

Federal Councilor Ueli Maurer on the occasion of the delegates’ meeting of SVP Switzerland on Saturday, October 22, 2022, in the Staffeln school in Lucerne.

Urs Flüeler / Keystone

Speed ​​is not the most outstanding characteristic of Bern’s political establishment, but things have to be done quickly in December. The implementation of the global minimum tax for internationally active corporations is on the agenda of Parliament. Switzerland absolutely wants to comply with the timetable agreed by the OECD countries. To do this, the National Council and the Council of States have to rush the bill through the entire adjustment of differences in December. This is the only way the people can vote on it in June 2023 as planned. Will it succeed?

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