Distance requirements to radio systems: wind energy industry complains about “blockades”

Distance requirements to radio systems
Wind energy industry complains about “blockades”

The industry complains that the expansion of wind energy could be much further if outdated distance rules from air security and military facilities were no longer in force. Minister for Climate Protection Habeck has also recognized the potential and is announcing solutions.

The Federal Wind Energy Association sees great potential for a faster expansion of wind power on land – if “blockades” by navigation systems for air traffic and military issues are resolved. According to the association, technology that is no longer “up-to-date” and distance regulations that are too generous blocked up to 7 gigawatts (GW). That was the result of a new survey among members of the association.

Wind turbines are not permitted in the vicinity of such rotating radio beacons.

(Photo: picture alliance)

For comparison: At the end of June, the installed capacity of wind turbines in Germany was around 55 GW. According to earlier information, the industry is expecting an increase of 2.2 to 2.4 GW for 2021.

The survey was about the number of wind energy projects blocked or delayed due to rotating beacons or military concerns. Rotary radio beacons are navigation systems for air traffic. According to the association, conflict areas in connection with military matters are, for example, corridors for low-level helicopter flights, air defense radar or training areas. According to the association, there is great potential here to release additional areas for wind energy.

Air traffic control did the math again

The German Wind Energy Association called for quick clarification on rotary radio beacons and military issues. According to Association President Hermann Albers, direct coordination between the involved ministries of transport, defense and economy is necessary. It is about “low-hanging fruit” with which the energy transition can be quickly brought on track.

A lot has happened since 2019, when there was a survey of this kind in the industry. For example, German air traffic control has changed its calculation formula for assessing the interference from wind turbines on rotating radio beacons. As a result, significantly more projects were assessed as eligible for approval.

Climate Protection Minister Robert Habeck had announced comprehensive immediate measures so that climate targets can be achieved. Renewable energies from wind and sun are to be expanded significantly. The ministry also wants to develop short-term space potential. The distances to rotary radio beacons and weather radars are to be reduced and measures are to be implemented to make wind expansion more compatible with military interests.

In the field of radio navigation and rotating radio beacons, 4 to 5 GW of power is possible, according to Habeck’s “opening balance sheet”. In addition, there is a potential of 3 to 4 GW of capacity in the area of ​​military matters. Habeck wants to reserve two percent of the state area for wind energy, which is much more than before.

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