District evaluation – Viennese rents: “cheap” parts of the city become more expensive

Apartment rents in Vienna are converging a little. “Cheap” city districts have risen sharply in terms of price, while “expensive” districts have become cheaper. Nevertheless, the gap remains large.

In those districts of Vienna in which apartment rents were still affordable, they are rising particularly sharply this year. According to an evaluation by ImmoScout24 for the “Krone”, in Simmering, for example, you now have to pay an average of 14.7 euros per m² rent, which is a hefty 11.5 percent more than in the previous year. Rent more than 1000 euros for 70 m² in Simmering If you now sign a new contract, you can now pay 1028.50 euros per month for a 70 m² apartment instead of approx. 923 euros for net rent plus operating costs (see table) Expect a 3 percent increase in prices in Meidling, Floridsdorf and Donaustadt. It is more than 2 percent in Rudolfsheim, Liesing and Hietzing. The 13th district is thus an outlier, because otherwise the new rents in previously expensive areas have risen little or have even become a little cheaper! In new buildings and Döbling you now pay less In new buildings, at 15.5 euros per m², you now pay 4.1 percent less than in 2020, in Döbling at 15.30 euros, 2.4 percent less. Conclusion: The housing costs are a bit more similar. If you take all of Vienna together, rents have “only” increased by 0.7 percent to EUR 1,068 for 70 m², explains ImmoScout24 boss Markus Dejmek , the rents have remained stable and have hardly increased in the current year “, so the Immoprofi.Online budget calculator against debt trap In order that living – for example if you lose a job or because of missing orders – does not become a debt trap, Wohnberatung Wien is also available by telephone during the Corona crisis ( 01/24 111) and virtually available. The experts offer comprehensive advice on financing and funding. In order to clarify the financial requirements in advance of the personal advice, the housing advice has developed a household calculator. The computer is now activated on the homepage (https://wohnberatung-wien.at). Vice Mayor Kathrin Gaál (SPÖ): “The household calculator is a wonderful tool with which you can quickly calculate whether the accruing housing costs correspond to your personal budget.”
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