Disturbing disappearance of Bernard who has not given any sign of life since Saturday, a call for witnesses launched

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The Tarn gendarmerie has launched an appeal for witnesses after the disappearance of Bernard Oustry, 56. The individual, who suffers from a slight mental handicap, has not given any sign of life since Saturday, January 14, at the end of the day.

A very disturbing disappearance. Bernard Oustry, 56, has given no sign of life since Saturday January 14. That day, around 6:30 p.m., the man left the “En Dûmes” living quarters, sheltering people with disabilities, located in the town of Lavaur, in the Tarn. He did not return as expected at the end of the day. “He left the establishment where he has lived for ten years without a credit card, identity papers or mobile phone”, indicated the Gaillac gendarmerie, in charge of this case, as reported by the site Actu.fr.

Still not having found the trace of the fifties, investigators have appealed for witnesses, Sunday January 15, and continue the search in the Lavaur sector. Bernard Oustry suffers from a mild mental disability and has lived under curatorship for ten years. On the day of his disappearance, he was wearing glasses, a beige jacket, a blue polo shirt, khaki pants, and a pair of tennis shoes. He is of European type, has short brown hair and is of medium build. According to our colleagues from The Dispatch, this is the first time in a decade that the man has not returned home after an outing. He no longer has any known family in the territory.

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“Research is continuing actively”

“The search is continuing actively. Several crews are on it and make regular rounds. It has been reported to us in several places; our checks have not yet found it”, said the gendarmes of Gaillac. A point on the situation should be organized on Thursday, January 19.

Moreover, the Tarn National Gendarmerie invites anyone who has information about this disappearance to dial 17 without delay or to contact the Lavaur Gendarmerie on 05 63 58 93 20.

Josephine de Rubercy


Curious and passionate about pop culture, Joséphine is a fan of music, series and even Instagram of all kinds. If she loves to follow people news and the latest …

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