"Do not forget the words": Maureen in tears by winning her place for the Masters: Current Woman The MAG

Maureen, the current Maestro of the program Do not forget the lyrics broadcast on France 2 crossed a milestone during the broadcast of Wednesday, May 20, 2020 by winning its 20th victory. The young woman, currently unemployed, has raised her kitty to 163,000 euros after finding the missing words on the title Fallen for France by Etienne Daho. As the golden confetti sprang up on the set to celebrate her victory, the candidate could not contain her emotion. "I'm sorry, I really have a little emotion there", she explained to Nagui, before continuing:"It's a big emotion. It's the accomplishment … It's really a dream come true and it's too good. "

The Masters will take place in September

Delighted for his candidate, Mélanie Page's husband explained to him that they would meet again within ten days for the Maestros tournament which will take place by team and will allow the collection of funds for charitable organizations. Maureen will also be part of the Masters of the program to be held after summer as Nagui said: "See you in September for the Masters … I hope we can cuddle by then. " Still in the show, Maureen can break new records and rank even better in the show’s top 16 winners if she continues to win. Anyway, with the earnings already accumulated, the young woman will be able to go to the United States with her father, as she hoped by participating in the musical program.

Read also : Nagui “embarrassed” in front of the confidences of a candidate on his wife, Mélanie Page