Do plus-size bloggers glorify excess weight? That’s behind the accusation

downplaying health consequences
Do plus-size bloggers really glorify excess weight?

© Dmitry Lobanov / Adobe Stock

A stubborn accusation keeps haunting the plus-size communities: the bloggers glorify excess weight and do not take the health consequences seriously. What is behind this accusation?

Whether outfit ideas for the coming season, a photo from an event or simply a beautiful moment in which a multi-weight woman smiles happily at the camera – there are always comments under the posts on the social media platforms, in which the that the bloggers would glorify being overweight or even obese.

Extra weight is not glorified, but made visible

Is it really about saying: hey everyone get fat, life is great with too many pounds? No of course not. What the plus-size bloggers want is to create visibility, give women a voice and be a kind of role model for those who don’t feel themselves part of society because they are more important. Because it is still the order of the day that fat people are insulted in passing on the street and have to endure a lot, especially on social media.

The blogger “Marshmallow Girls” has a very crass but plausible comparison on the subject of glorification: “Nobody would accuse a one-legged person who posts photos of themselves on the Internet in which they look happy for encouraging other people to cut off a leg.” This quote may seem macabre at first glance, but one should consider that there is often a long history of suffering behind excess weight or obesity – whether psychological or physical. All the more absurd is the accusation that the affected person would wish it on others.

Entrenched prejudices make life difficult for fat people

Behind the glorifying comments is still the prejudice that fat people are lazy and sluggish, don’t show discipline and just put on the pounds for no reason. In addition, any excess weight is immediately defined as unhealthy. And the bloggers are thus accused of wanting to downplay the health risk that can emanate from excess weight and obesity.

First of all, not all forms of excess weight are harmful to your health. It is not possible to tell from the optics whether a person is healthy or not. And even if an overweight person is not healthy, what gives others the right to disrespect them?

Bloggers share their health issues with their fans

In addition, many bloggers talk about health consequences. They do not play down the fact that not everything is possible with a fat body and that they are well aware of the further health consequences. Some also speak of a decrease, of cooperation with obesity centers or even stomach surgery in order to live healthier.

The bloggers want to show that life doesn’t just begin when you’ve lost weight. Even with a fat body, a full and colorful life is possible – nobody should stand in a waiting position just because the desired weight has not yet been reached. But in order to be able to lead a life like everyone else, a rethinking has to take place in society.

Fat people often have to struggle with many psychological and physical problems, so it doesn’t take a complete stranger to insult them, give unsolicited advice or even make death threats – just because of the body. And just because bloggers want to give fat people a voice and change viewing habits doesn’t mean they glorify being fat – they just say: Hey, you’re not alone, we’ll get through this together!


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