Do you constantly feel tired? You may be affected by this syndrome without knowing it.

A prolonged feeling of fatigue despite getting a full night’s sleep may be a sign that you are affected by this syndrome without knowing it.

Sleeping 8 hours a night may be a luxury for some, but it is nevertheless necessary to stay in shape and age well. For others, however, this daily amount of sleep is not enough to eliminate fatigue.

If exhaustion can sometimes be a direct consequence linked to a lifestyle or particular habits, it can also be the result of a fairly rare syndrome which affects around 2% of the population. Indeed, if you constantly feel tired despite a good night’s sleep, it is because you may be affected by long sleep syndrome without knowing it.

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Long sleep syndrome: what is it?

Long sleep syndrome, or idiopathic hypersomnia, is characterized by an increased need for sleep in those who suffer from it. “Long sleep syndrome is defined entirely as the habitual need to sleep longer than one’s age group.”explains Dan Fabian, sleep health expert and founder of Ten PM, in the columns of Stylist.

While it takes an average of 7 to 9 hours of sleep to recharge your batteries, people with this rare syndrome feel the need to sleep 10 to 12 hours per night.illustrates the specialist.

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What are the symptoms of long sleep syndrome?

As its name suggests, the increased need for sleep in people with idiopathic hypersomnia has consequences for fatigue. Despite getting a full night’s sleep, sufferers may feel a constant state of sleepiness and the need to take naps to get through the day.

“This is not simple laziness, but a person whose body and mind need more time to recover and recharge than is considered usual or average for their peer group. age”explains Dan Fabian. Signs of this syndrome generally appear during adolescence and continue into adulthood.

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Idiopathic hypersomnia syndrome: how to fight fatigue?

It is normal to look for solutions to feel better when you have idiopathic hypersomnia. Unfortunately, the need for sleep is of biological origin, specialists on the subject simply advise favoring sustainable, quality sleep to combat the effects of this form of hypersomnia. “Furthermore, the need for prolonged sleep is constant and is not significantly altered by lifestyle changes, stress or other external factors.”specifies Casey Paul, positive psychology coach.

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Despite the lack of data regarding long sleep syndrome, experts advise people who suffer from it to favor an environment conducive to sleep. This includes setting an early time to go to bed, avoiding caffeine or alcohol at the end of the day, ensuring that the bedroom is dark and at a pleasant temperature, or opting for minerals and acids. aminos to improve the quality of sleep. In case of prolonged fatigue, you should consult a doctor.

A journalist passionate about social issues and current affairs, Hugo puts his pen at the service of information. Interested in all themes, from the impact of artificial intelligence on…

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