Do you know the 777 method to make your relationship last?

A specialist shares a method called 777 in which he believes to make the couple last, even after several decades of relationship. This is a simple but different approach that helps prevent routine and strengthen bonds over time.

Nearly one in two marriages ends in divorce in France, making it the 10th country in the European Union with the highest rate according to INSEE. The Institute also points out that in the vast majority of cases, it is women who request it. It is also stipulated that the Average lifespan of a marriage is around 15 years, still in France, and the main reason remains disagreement. So many figures which only concern part of the population, but which nevertheless allow us to approach the reality of life as a couple in 2023.

Apart from infidelity, Character incompatibilities are often put forward in cases of rupturemore generally, according to the Health Insurance website Health Passport. Next come the main causes “partner’s selfishness which includes lack of support, empathy and affection” (22%), “his bad character” (15%), “his excessive behavior” (15%) and finally “disagreements regarding the future, goals and projects that diverge”. But can we prevent separation and make the figures lie?

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Get out of the box and free yourself from habits

A psychotherapist working with Metro UK for his part proposes what he calls method 777. He echoed it on TikTok and his video displays rather flattering statistics: more than 60,000 likes and nearly 28 shares on the social network. Without citing the comments which number in the hundreds… Lucy Beresford is well aware that it “must do again more effort to reconnect as a coupleand every day”, with the weight of the years. It is indeed fundamental to renew yourself regularly to avoid falling into routine inherent to the passing of time and the obligations of daily life.

This is why the specialist recommends breaking habits with his method based on a rhythm of 7 days, 7 weeks And 7 months. Thus, he recommends every week of set aside time solely for your relationship but linked to everyday life, whether it is a dinner, meeting over coffee or even a break. It is entirely possible to devote this time to a joint sporting activity or to an outing (theatre, cinema, concert, etc.).

Every 7 weeks, Lucy Beresford recommends conversely toextract completely from everyday lifethrough a night in a hotel room for example, in a different setting which allows you to find yourself away from daily worries. Finally, every 7 months, it is suggested to leave everything to treat yourself to a vacation for two, far if you like to travel to free yourself from habits as much as possible. This time must be long. It’s your turn to be inspired now!


If writing is a pleasure, being read is even more so. Passionate about pop culture, Jonathan sets the pace in the right tone to always keep you well informed. Attracted by …

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