Do you never go to bed at the same time? Here’s enough variation to disrupt your blood pressure

It was as part of an interview with Télé Loisirs magazine this Monday April 8, 2024 that the doctor and presenter of Health Magazine, Jimmy Mohamed, gave his advice for living longer and in good health. An opportunity to reveal how essential sleep is for maintaining good cardiovascular health (blood pressure).

Sleep is health, we have never said it enough! It is as part of the promotion of his book Zero constraints to stay young. There is no age to start of Flammarion editions, that the highly publicized doctor, Jimmy Mohamed, at the head of Health Magazine on France 5, gave an interview to our colleagues from Leisure TV. An interview during which the doctor gave numerous tips for staying in shape and in good health despite the passing years. The expert warned on many subjects including the three most important, diet, physical exercise and sleep.

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In France, many people suffer from sleep disorders; this affects 15 to 20% of the population according to a recent study. A subject which is therefore essential when we know how important sleep is to stay in shape and improve your health. Good sleep is above all an improvement in the general state of our health, whether mental or physical, but also the regulation of vital functions such as our cardiovascular health.

Sleep: this variation in bedtime or rising time that is harmful to health

The doctor from France 5, Jimmy Mohamed is cash, to live in good health, it is important to implement good habits. If for the doctor health passes through three “fundamental principles: sleep well, eat well and be physically active», he gives more details on the first point. Sleeping well means above all respecting your sleep schedule and having sufficient rest time per day: “It is crucial to get enough sleep (according to the needs of your biological rhythm), but also to have fixed sleep schedules» explains the specialist.

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Indeed, according to the doctor, a small shift in bedtime or getting up time can be enough to disrupt a person’s overall health. A study published in 2023 by researchers from Pennsylvania showed that a “little» A 45-minute delay, whether at bedtime or at waking up, can be enough to cause cardiovascular health problems with a disturbance in blood pressure. Not only unfortunately, the onset of diabetes would also be favored. If it is therefore recommended to go to bed and get up at the same time, Jimmy Mohamed tempers this by explaining that one exception per week will not disrupt the cycle set up, but by not exceeding a variation of more than two hours over usual hours.

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These other principles for maintaining good health

If sleep is therefore one of the most important principles for maintaining good health, diet also plays a preponderant role, especially without the appearance of cardiovascular diseases. According to the doctor, the Cretan diet based on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, fish, dairy products, oilseeds and olive oil would be particularly effective in preventing this type of disease. Supported by good physical activity, no need to work hard, and contact with nature, all the chances would then be on the good side to maintain good health.

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While it is important to ensure a healthy lifestyle, the doctor points out that it is just as important to be checked by a doctor, especially when you are prone to blood pressure problems. He specifies during this interview: “having normal blood pressure contributes to better vascularization of the brain and lower production of waste in this organ“. So, we don’t take sleep lightly!

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