“Do you want Ukrainians to get on their knees?”

“We are not taking part in the war, but we are taking sides,” says EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell of the FAZ
Image: Reuters

In the FAZ interview, the EU foreign policy chief criticizes the fact that opponents of arms deliveries to Ukraine apparently don’t care how the war ends. He calls for Europe to be less naïve in foreign policy in the future.

Commission President Ursula von der Leyen says Ukraine should win the war. What exactly does that mean?

Matthias Rub

Political correspondent for Italy, the Vatican, Albania and Malta based in Rome.

Not to be under Russian rule, to preserve its own independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity. And a policy based on the will of the people.

What will the EU do to achieve this goal?

More of what we’ve already done. Supplying arms to Ukraine, weakening Russia’s economy, isolating Russia internationally. I don’t understand people who say that the more weapons you supply to Ukraine, the longer the war will last and the greater the suffering of Ukrainians. Even in Europe some say that.

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