Doctors get more money: Federal government continues to finance vaccination centers

Doctors get more money
The federal government continues to finance vaccination centers

Funding for vaccination centers was originally due to expire at the end of the year. Now the federal government is going into extension: until April vaccination centers will receive financial support from the state. General practitioners also receive a higher payment per vaccination.

The financing is regulated for the planned acceleration of the corona vaccinations in Germany: the federal government will now pay half of the vaccination centers in the federal states until at least the end of April 2022, as a regulation signed by the managing health minister Jens Spahn stipulates. This was previously planned for the end of the year. In addition, practice doctors are to receive 28 euros per vaccination as compensation from this Tuesday instead of the previous 20 euros and 36 euros on weekends.

Spahn told the German Press Agency: “The vaccination campaign has to pick up speed again. That way we protect ourselves better in the second winter of the pandemic.” The doctors in private practice and the vaccination centers play a decisive role in this. That is why the federal states are given planning security when financing the vaccination centers. “And we are noticeably improving the fees for every single vaccination in the doctor’s office.”

When it comes to vaccinations, the focus is currently also on boosting vaccinations that were a long time ago. This is especially true for several million elderly people.

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